High cancer-related death rates have forced the communities of Lebotloane and its surroundings to take a stand. The close-knit communities have decided to embark on a cancer awareness campaign on the 17th of June 2023, starting from 6hoo at Little Village Lebotloane, Moretele Local Municipality in the Northwest province.
The campaign aims to erect a centre for cancer in the area using the Letsema concept and also ask for funding from donors to build the centre.
The idea was initiated by Moretele Local Municipality spokesperson Mothupi Malebye, who himself has lost four family members to cancer.
The initiative was also necessitated by the fact that Moretele does not even have a single cancer centre despite the population estimated at about 500 000 people across 74 villages.
The campaign is expected to attract among other cancer survivors, families who lost their loved ones to cancer, local leaders, traditional leaders, and popular music groups, including Badimo Jazz Band and Solly Moholo.
The local Department of Health will provide services on the day related to cancer illnesses and run tests on community members who are interested.