Pathfinders assist young entrepreneurs achieve their dreams


The Hammanskraal-based Pathfinders founder, Glenda Setshedi, is enthusiastic about social entrepreneurship and making a difference in the lives of aspiring entrepreneurs.

Ms Setshedi said a Pathfinder is someone who has discovered their gift and turned it into a craft. The goal is to honor these individuals who are from the country and have made significant progress in their own right, shifting the narrative surrounding the township economy.

“It is bringing together stakeholders and businesses to address some of the community’s key issues and how they may create possibilities for people to profit. This adds to Temba’s image as a desirable locale, tourist attraction, and investment destination, a “place of hope.”

“Pathfinders meet once a month to foster an entrepreneurial mindset. People from all around the country will be encouraged to invest in their communities during the monthly gatherings. These entrepreneurs will form a tribe that will carry out social projects in order to shape their communities into what we desire.

This is an effort that honors those who are succeeding and has a compelling narrative to tell,” she said.

Pathfinders have achieved several remarkable feats, such as the “Cliff Cafe” which was founded by Clifford Mashishimane and is located in Hammancral Temba and employs many unemployed members of the community in Temba.

Pathfinders also helped Godiragatse Mogajane start his firm, “Delivery Ka Speed,” a delivery service centered in Hammancral but serving all of Gauteng.

The “Digital X-ray glasses” cure, founded by The Mphahlele Twins, is also one of the Pathfinders-supported campaigns and is located in Hammancral Temba.

Glenda is a certified NBI practitioner that works all over the world with a desire to make a difference and change people’s lives. She has consistently been interested in the education of young adults to help them think differently and have a positive outlook.

Her entrepreneurial spirit, willingness to learn, and willingness to collaborate have earned her prestigious awards, including the Mandela Washington Fellowship at the University of Notre Dame in the United States, a Presidential Award, News24 Mandela100 Shaping South Africa, and JCI Top 10 Outstanding Young Persons of South Africa.

She also co-owns Career Active, a company with offices in the United States and South Africa. Career Active has worked with 5000 students in a variety of schools to date. Glenda is currently in Canada to continue research on Global education.