Temba SAPS celebrates Mandela Day with family of boy allegedly killed by a rat


The Temba Police together with Metro Police, Community Policing Forum (CPF), and Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offense Unit (FCS) visited the family of a two-year-old boy who was allegedly bitting by a rat last month in Ramotse to celebrate Mandela day.

Sergeant Herman Moremi of Corporate Communication SAPS Temba said the family was identified by the station management as the poor amongst others after struggling to bury their baby and were getting assistance from the police and other sponsors.

“Members of the station and the CPF contributed from their pockets to buy groceries, blankets, and clothes donated to the family still staying in a tin shack.

“After celebrating Mandela day with the family, the teams proceeded to Selemela sports ground in Lephengville to celebrate with soccer teams of Gogo’s where they also donated blankets,” he said.

The station Commander Brigadier Johannes Tau appreciated the efforts that the members and the CPF made to remember the impoverished families and the indigent in the society and to celebrate this day with them.

“Surely these acts of kindness will make a difference and make the the community gain trust in the police,” he said.