Exit ceremony for rehabilitated substance abusers in Hammanskraal


IMG 3781By Staff Reporter
The Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Health and Social Development, Councillor Eulanda Mabusela, on Friday 18 September 2015, welcomed 29 rehabilitated substance abusers following their completion of a drug rehabilitation programme at Mandela Community Hall in Hammanskraal.

This rehabilitated group was referred to FF Ribeiro Rehabilitation Centre for treatment by Cllr Mabusela during one of the City of Tshwane’s anti-drug and substance abuse awareness roadshows.
From time to time, the City of Tshwane hosts the roadshows in all seven regions of Tshwane under the theme “Tshwane community taking charge against drug and substance abuse, especially nyaope”.
Media Relations Manager at the City, Mr Lindela Mashigo, said the rehabilitation programme, which takes six weeks, is informed by the National Drug Master Plan, which aims to broaden the knowledge of individuals, families and communities faced with drug-related problems.