Ditiro Tse Ntle Foundation gives back to the community


Ditiro Tse Ntle Foundation will stage a fundraising Colour Run event on benefit of local school children on 8 April 2017 at Makapanstad next to the post office grounds.

“We want to help the less fortunate kids at primary and secondary schools with sanitary towels, school shoes and non-perishable foods,“ said Ms Rhoda Molefe, secretory of Ditiro Tse Ntle Foundation.

The Foundation is a non-government organisation based in Makapanstad in Moretele circuit that has been helping needy schools children around Makapanstad. To date the beneficiaries has been children from Mosetlhe Primary, Thipe Primary and Dikele Makapan Primary schools.

Ms Molefe told Moretele Times that their wish is to help all learners around Moretele circuit, though they are facing a challenge of not having enough sponsorship,“ we want to keep the children in school by all means” she said.
The colour run will be the first annual marathon to be held by the Foundation.