The City of Tshwane as part of its efforts to preserve the legacy of Solomon Mahlangu, will be hosting the annual Solomon Mahlangu Marathon at Moretele Park in Mamelodi on 30 April 2016.
The Marathon will be staged under the auspices of Athletics South Africa (ASA) and Athletics Gauteng North (AGN). The marathon will take the format of a 21 and 10 km races and a 5km walk. The event has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception in 2008 and last year it attracted just over 2000 runners. The City is hoping to increase the numbers quite significantly this year with participants coming from all corners of the City of Tshwane as part of our reconciliation and social cohesion agenda. Registrations are expected to start at 05:00 am and the marathon will commence at 06:00 am and finish at 09:00 am.