City of Tshwane draws 1026 additional EPWP job beneficiaries in second lottery

Tshwane MMC for Corporate and Shared Services, Mr Cilliers Brink Pic: IOL

The City of Tshwane today conducted the second EPWP lottery and selected more beneficiaries for work opportunities across the city. The age range for this round of beneficiaries was 18-36.

This is to ensure that the youth in the City, who desperately need these opportunities, get an opportunity to participate in the City’s economy and get gainful work experience which is often difficult to obtain.

During the first lottery late last year, the City drew 3232 names to participate in the Gata le Nna EPWP programme, and today’s draw adds a further 1026 to the pool.

Tshwane MMC for Corporate and Shared Services, Mr Cilliers Brink, said the City aims to create over 23000 work opportunities for the destitute and the poor.

He said the 4258 Gata Le Nna opportunities are the first step in bringing the City closer to that ideals, and the amount of opportunities will increase as City departments increase their EPWP requirements with every new project.

“Line departments and regional service delivery centres will conduct regular needs assessments and submit their requirements for every lottery,” the MMC said.

As a further commitment to provide opportunities to those who need it most, the City has committed to EPWP demographics of 55% female, 40% youth and 2% disabled.

The MMC said to date people living in communities have given their full support to the lotteries, because of the openness and fairness within which beneficiaries were selected.

Ms Brink said the City will continue with this system until knowing that every deserving person will enjoy an equal opportunity to benefit from the EPWP programme.

Numbers required per region and department:

Department /Region Participants required
Metro Police88
Agriculture and Environmental Services177
Group Audit and Risk6
Wonderboom Airport20
Energy and Electricity38
Region 1300
Region 2110
Region 3200
Region 580