Hammanskraal Business Chamber advocating for local businesses development

The Hammanskraal business chamber held a meeting to discuss ways to develop local businesses

The Hammanskraal Business Chamber held a meeting to discuss ways to prepare themselves for the upcoming projects and also to discuss how to develop the strategic approach to the existing projects. The meeting took place at Baholos office in Temba yesterday.

Hammanskraal Business Chamber is an organization formed in 2016 to advocate for local businesses.

Mr John Mokebe, the secretary of the Chamber said the main objective for the Chamber is to introduce skills that are relevant to businesses in Hammanskraal.

“We do this to upgrade individual business people with relevant skills so that they do not struggle after starting their companies,” he said.

He said recently there were opportunities at Eskom and they used that to train some of the members.

Another member, Keletso Phala, said they are engaging big business at Babelegi Industries, Government Departments, and retail shops at Jubilee Mall to be involved in the development of small businesses in Hammanskraal.