Founder of the Annual Community Soccer Extravaganza, Mr Kabelo Matjila, will host the event again this year in Temba Rockville from 9th August to 1st of September.
The extravaganza was established seven years ago with the aim of keeping youth away from the streets and also to minimize the use of drug and substance abuse.
Mr Matjila said he was motivated by the influence sports has on the community and its potential for development. He said local businesses will be given an opportunity to advertise their products at the soccer extravaganza.
“I would appreciate volunteers and sponsors to assist with the event and with financial assistance to make the event a reality.
“I am experiencing financial difficulty for logistics and to put this project where it should be,” said Mr Mabuza.
Mr Matjila can be contacted at 0812172125 to start with the preparations for the August event.