SALGC calls for all men to fight against women and child abuse

Mr Bo Tlabakoe, Chairperson of SALGC

The South African Leadership Gentlemen’s Club (SALGC) that was officially launched on the 6/10/2019 at Mandela Community Center in Hammanskraal is calling on all men to gather at OR Tambo Cultural Precinct this coming Saturday as they launch SALGC East Rand structure.

The SALGC is a national nonracial Non-Profit Organization (NPO) for men and boy-children from age 5 and older.

Mr Bo Tlabakoe, Chairperson of SALGC said, “We are calling on men and boys to be accountable and stand up to be counted.

“The amount of pain and hurt our country is going through only needs a heartless human being to ignore.

“As a family man, a husband and a father, I could not just stand by and watch when children, boys and girls are forced into hopelessness because of their socio-economic conditions” said Mr Tlabakoe.

He said the main focus of the NPO is ideally to change the minds of men and boy-children to move them from good to great.

“We want to change the minds before we can invest in them in anyway,” he said.

Like all NPOs, the organization have resource challenges and would appreciate any assistance in funding and human resource volunteers.

“SALGC has no sponsors, all the work we do is out of the family resources of our members,” Mr Tlabakoe said.