Fashion indaba to be held to establish Gauteng Fashion Forum for Tshwane


By Staff Reporter

A stakeholder workshop will be held on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 in the Library Hall of the Es’kia Mphahlele Library (corner Lilian Ngoyi and Madiba Streets) from 11:00 to 16:00.

All role players in the fashion industry, such as designers, manufacturers, retailers, educational institutions and fashion SMEs, are invited. This is the initiative of the City of Tshwane in collaboration with the Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED) to establish the Gauteng Fashion Forum for Tshwane.
The Gauteng Fashion Council (GFC) was registered in Gauteng on 24 April 2015 and deals with clothing, textile, leather and footwear in Gauteng. The GFC aims to develop the quality and quantity of Gauteng’s fashion talent skills set in each municipality so as to grow job creation and increased fashion value chain employment, boost Gauteng’s fashion value chain economy, and increase and improve fashion value chain linkages.
The aim of the stakeholder meeting is to introduce the GFC to industry players in Tshwane and to select two established fashion industry role players with eight or more years’ experience in design and manufacturing to form part of the GFC Executive Committee.
In addition, other role players with at least five years’ experience will be elected to form part of Tshwane’s Fashion Forum. The forum will assist in developing a fashion database of new and existing small, medium and large businesses in this industry. The aim is to empower local businesses and communicate fashion programmes and projects to industry stakeholders. Skills and industry gaps will be identified and skills development programmes will be created. This will help businesses to grow their brands locally and internationally by means of local and export markets.