Tambo streets turns to mud dams due to municipality neglect

Waterlogged streets of Tambo

Roads neglected by the municipality in Hammanskraal Tambo has made life unbearable for residents who cannot walk the roads without getting dirty.

The waterlogged streets have developed a smell making life for residents even worse.

A resident, Mr Thipe Molobi, said in the past the municipality world clean the streets after rains but that has now stopped.

“The municipality has turned a blind eye on the needs of people, we cannot even drive on those streets because of the mud.”

Another resident, Ms Dikeledi Seemise, said she has to endure getting dirty before getting to school because her street is always waterlogged and that is the only street that she can use. “We need the streets to be repaired so that we can be able to walk freely in our area.” said Ms Seemise.