Community members partner  to improve their lives

They have already built the car wash place and the dream has started.

Three community members in Hammanstraal Tambo took matters into their hands to clean an empty space to start their car wash and shisanyama business to improve their lives.

David Ndlovu (28), Jerry Kotwane (36) and France Mabunda (61) have dreamed of this kind of a business and are now taking actions to make it a reality.

Mr Frans Mabunda is a partner in the initiative

Jerry Kotwane said” one old man told me that I must have a purpose to live for and a dream in life and push it until it’s become a reality.

“We want to start this business to fight and curb unemployment and gangsterism in our community.

The other partner, Mr Ndlovu said this initiative will not only be a car wash and a shisanyama. “We also want to promote art and culture in the community which I believe will take kids away from the streets and dangerous substances,” he said.

They believe that there is a lot of talent in the community of Hammanskaal which should be identified and groomed, and they believe the car wash will do that through the art and culture activities that they will host.