Mayor of Moretele Local Municipality, Andries Monaheng, delivered his 3rd budget Speech at Mathibestad in Moretele Local Municipality Community Hall yesterday.
The community members under Moretele Municipality attended the event in large numbers to witness the moment they have been awaiting for a long time.
During the state of the municipal address, Mr Monaheng said “this is the 3rd budget I am presenting since assuming office in 2016, therefore it is a midterm of the five year period and when we look at the road we travelled, much excellent work has been done which inspire confidence that the great job and challenges that lies ahead will be overcome with easy if we continue to work together to move Moretele forward.”
“The budget is informed by this New Dawn and our collective intension of building a municipality that will belong to all who live in it. We must never rest until our people enjoy equal access to services delivery.
He said the resolution taken during the strategic session are clear indication that the municipality is prepared to double its efforts to address challenges facing people. “What is important is that everyone should know his or her role in this institution,” said Mr Monaheng.
Mayor Monaheng also said people have voted for the ruling party and that the party should work hard to impress residents.
“We say Thumamina , send me, roma nna,steer ek, because our people responded positively. One amongst us reminded me, that this day marks 990 days for this council in office, because our term of office is plus minus 1885 days.
“Despite the challenges are confronted with in the near future, there has-been remarkable improvement in the level of service delivery in our municipality,” said Mr Monaheng.
The Mayor said the total operational Expenditure is R495,5 million , appropriated a total amount of R205 million for capital expenditure budget to be implemented in the 2019/2020 budget year.
Access to water : Water projects for R85 million
Mr Monaheng said he is happy to report that the intervention by department of water and sanitation by implementing bulk line network water from Klipdrif water treatment plant to Moretele municipality to address backlogs at ward 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 14, 18,19,12,24,21,20 and 5 is at implementation stag, Process is reported monthly.
“The phase two of that project will cover Ward 11, 26,9,25,23,8,7,25. We are about to complete water connections at ward 3 and ward 5 and we have refurbished boreholes in various wards.”
On access to electricity, he said Eskom spend R22, 9 million on this projects.
– Access to sanitation : SANITATION projects for R48 million
– 3 ROADS projects for R30 million
-SPORTS community facilities for R11 million
-High mast light for R11, 5 million
The Operational Expenditure is made up of the following expenditure sources;
-Employee related costs R11, 8 million
-Remuneration of councillors R 22, 9 million
-Debt impairment is a non cash item R47 million
-Depreciation & assets impairment is a non cash item R44 million
-Repair and maintenance budgeted R19, 2 million
-Bulk purchases still is budgeted R37, 5 million. This remains material cost driver to
-this council, purchasing of water from the city of Tshwane cost us R4 to R5 million
per month Contracted services R62 million .
The total expenditure budget for 2019-2020 can be summarised as follows per municipal department :
-Municipal manager’s office is allocated a total budget of R12 million
-Mayor’s office and Speaker’s office is allocated a total budget of R65 million
-Infrastructure development services is allocated a total budget of R192 million
-Budget and Treasury is allocated a total budget of R46 million
-Human Resource is allocated a total budget of R 73 million
-Community service is allocated a total budget of R40 million
Local economic development and planning is allocate a total budget of R37 million