One of the first soccer agent from Hammanskraal to place players in PSL


The 34 years old Pontsho Madumo becomes the first agent to have 10 players in the PSL


The 34 year old Pontsho Madumo is one of the first soccer agent from Hammanskraal to have 10 players in the Premier Soccer League (PSL) and the National First Division (NFD).

He is born and bred in Hammanskraal Lefatlheng and matriculated at Hans Kekana High School in Majaneng before competing his degree in communication from the University of South Africa (UNiSA) in 2014.

Mr Madumo opened the Cream Sports Management Company in 2016 and had players in NFD and PSL from 2017. So far he won Telkom and Nedbank cups through Vusi Sibiya and Terrence Mashigo in 2017/2018.

“My aim is to change the whole perception about Hammanskraal and in years to come I want to be remembered as someone who produced professional soccer players from Hammanskraal.

“I feel great and honored as there are no scouts or intermediary in my home town because I am able to give young stars opportunities to showcase their talents,” he said.

Mr Madumo is also hosting spring tournamets in Temba which started last year for under 23 players from which one of the Temba players who is training with NFD was scouted.

He also encourages other team owners that have not yet made it to the PSL to believe in young talent and work together towards upbringing the  communities of Hammanskraal.