Hammanskraal Temba SAPS together with Community Policing Forum and Community safety joined hands with women around Temba to celebrate Women’s Day in a form of sporting activities.
The event was held yesterday at Selemela sports ground at Lephengville starting with aerobics at around 08:00 in the morning followed by netball and women soccer games. The woman who participated included grannies and young ladies who played soccer.
Constable Herman Moremi or Corporate Communications SAPS Temba said the winners were awarded trophies, use medals, soccer Jersey and a netball Jersey.
The tournament was sponsored by Unica factory and Bakwena.
The station commander of Temba SAPS, Brigadier Martha Mokobori, encouraged women to joint hands with the police to fight crime.
Earlier in the week on Wednesday when addressing women, she said women should lead by example and encourage their kids to participate in sports in order to avoid crime.