Vote for Hammanskraal representative at Miss Bachelorette South Africa 2020

Mpho Nyangintsimbi

Mpho Nyangintsimbi has been nominated to representing Hammanskraal in the Miss Bachelorette South Africa 2020 and she will be the only representative from Hammanskraal.

Miss Bachelorette South Africa is for independent, beautiful, mature, unmarried women who are recognized in the beauty and fashion industry to serve as role models.

She is the Founder of the NGOs, Nyakitsimni Foundation, Baby Mama Rise, Take a Girl Child Back to School, and Adopt an Addict.

Ms Nyangintsimbi said “We are advocates of women and promote sisterhood. We also have adopted a safety home for women who are abused, as you know we currently have a crisis in our country about women based violence.

She requested the Hammanskraal community to support her by voting “MBSA MphoN” to 33282.