Jubilee Hospital oral cancer awareness campaign

Dr Dr Tebogo Tema (left) and Mr M Madavha manager of Allied

An oral cancer awareness campaign was held at Jubilee Hospital last Friday 21 February 2020 to warn the community of the dangers of the disease which has become prevalent in Hammanskraal.

Last year seven patients died of oral cancer in Hammanskraal only which is high for any community.

Dr Tebogo Tema who conducted the awareness campaign said the disease does not show itself until the late stages.

“Oral Cancer mostly affects men and it is caused by smoking, tobacco chewing, excessive exposure to sunlight, hereditary, people living with HIV&AIDS, aggressive chemical use and herbals often used to alleviate toothache,” Dr Tema said.

He said community members should go for check up after every 3-6 months, at either Ramotse Clinic, Suurman Clinic or Kekana Garden Clinic.