Thunder Bay Spur implements strict Covid -19 protocols


Ms Grace Mulaudz, Operational Manager at Hammanskraal Jubilee Mall Thunder Bay Sspur

Thunder Bay Spur in Hammanskraal tenants at Jubilee Mall, said they have implemented the testing of all staff members when arriving for work using a thermometer scan to check their temperature.

The eatery has also put hand sanitizers at the door for customers and all their tables are sanitized every 30 minutes.

Operations Manager at Thunder Bay Spur, Ms Grace Muladzi, said everything that is used for customers is sanitized.

“We also implemented a timer which reminds customers and staff to sanitize their hands every thirty minutes, when it rings, everyone sanitizes.

She said the eatery has not been badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic because their brand is known for neatness and customers have not stopped coming through.

“If a person wants to host a birthday party at Thunder bay spur, they are allowed only two hours and they must not exceed the 100 prescribed number.

“We also make sure that tables are not filled for the social distancing protocol and customers have responded positively for our implementation of the protocols,” said Ms Mulaudzi.