Temba SAPS donates to the needy


Temba SAPS donating food to the needy

Temba SAPS, UNICA factory, and the Community Policing Forum continue to fight poverty amongst the needy families around Temba areas by distributing food parcels.

Sergeant Herman Moremi of Temba SAPS Corporate Communications Officer said the elderly and needy families were handed food parcels today around Temba, Ramotse, Carousel view, Mashimong section, Dilopye, Majaneng, and Stinkwater.

With the assistance from Unica factory at Babelegi, they managed to donate maize meals, sugar, tin food, and rice. Cpf Chairperson Mr Levy Matjila said this is a project that will continue every month to make a difference in the society by helping the needy communities.