CoT commits to continue assisting Hammanskraal flood victims


File Material: Photo Provided by Moretele Municipality

The City of Tshwane MMC for Community and Social Services Department (CSSD), Ms Peggy de Bruin, said the City together with partners at the national level, will continue to assist flood-affected communities in Hammanskraal.

“The City will also continue the distribution of social relief as and when more families come forward,” said MMC de Bruin.

City Strategic Communications Divisional Head, Mr Selby Bokaba, said after assessing the disaster caused by floods, the City approved a slew of humanitarian aid consisting of blankets, food parcels, and mattresses to the affected families.

Mr Bokaba said upon receipt of a report that Ward 49 residents have been affected by flooding on 27 December 2021 following incessant rainfall, the CSSD dispatched a team to assess the situation in the area and began a process of social relief distribution consisting of food parcels, blankets and mattresses to the affected families.

“On 29 December 2021, the MMC for CSSD, Councillor Peggy de Bruin, accompanied by the MMC for Human Settlements, Councillor Abel Tau and departmental senior officials visited the flood-hit area to assess the damage and held discussions with the affected families, Ward Councillors and community leaders.

“The Department facilitated the relocation process to the Sebothoma Hall, however, only two families in Ward 49 agreed to sleep at that facility. A sizeable number of households in Wards 74 and 76 received social relief and when more distressed families came forward seeking assistance, the CSSD engaged the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) with a view to augmenting what the city had already done to assist the affected families.

“SASSA and the City agreed to split the beneficiaries 50% each as numbers began to increase exponentially. The CSSD entered into a partnership with the National Department of Social Development for the national department to continue with the distribution of food parcels while the City takes care of the distribution of blankets and mattresses, where necessary.

“By 04 January 20221, a number of 245 community members affected by the floods in Hammanskraal had been assisted with humanitarian relief,” Mr Bokaba said.