Bridge connecting Temba and Marokolong being vandalized

The iconic bridge that connects Temba and Marokolong forms a part of the rich history.

The nyaope boys are vandalizing the much-needed bridge that connects Temba and Marokolong to the disadvantage of the community.

Mr Gerald Mushi, a community member said nyaope junkies are stealing the metal to sell the aluminum pieces to scrap yards.

“If you know the history of the suffering of the community and the lives lost before the bridge was built, you will understand that what is happening to that bridge is blatantly wrong.

“People are now unable to cross the bridge safely because it is now unbalanced and they are afraid of being robbed when it is night. The elderly are unable to cross without assistance which has led to some of the local young men making it their duty to assist them,” he said.

The Communications Director at the City of Tshwane, Mr Lindela Mashigo, said the municipality is not sure who is responsible for the bridge between Temba and Marokolong and there is nothing the City can do if the bridge is owned privately. He advised that the community should take responsibility and report the matter to the police.

Attempts to get comments from the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation and the Temba Saps failed at the time of publishing.