Police officer donates school shoes to learner she adopted

Constable Welheminah Hlongwan with the learner who received shoes as a donation from her

The Station commander of Temba SAPS, Brigadier Johannes Tau, applauded a member who bought school shoes for a needy learner during the Back to School campaign yesterday morning at Hosia Kekana secondary school.

Sergeant Herman Moremi of Corporate Communications SAPS Temba said the officer, Constable Welheminah Hlongwani was touched by a young boy who was wearing boots as school shoes and she immediately went to buy school shoes and donated to the learner during a school visit where learners were addressed about criminal activities by other officers.

Five schools were visited on the second day of schools reopenings as part of the Back to School awareness campaign at Ratshepo secondary in Temba, Bokamoso secondary in Stinkwater, Moditela secondary at Lephengville, Hosia Kekana secondary at Ramotse and Rakgotso secondary at Eersterus, where learners were sensitized about bullying, discipline, drugs, illegal gambling, possession of a dangerous weapon, assault, theft, cyberbullying, human trafficking and missing persons. They were urged to refrain from communicating with strangers on social media platforms like Facebook and to be vigilant.

Sergeant Moremi said the police were working hand in hand with Metro police, Brigades and Imisebeyelanga when addressing learners.

The station commander appreciates the good work of members of SAPS during their visits to different schools and encourages others to make a difference in the lives of some of the learners.

” The Constable who bought shoes for a learner out of her good heart led by example and hopefully others will follow in her footsteps. This will greatly impact that learner and encourage him to wake up every morning like other learners to go and study,” he said.