This vegetable hawker is not discouraged by the nyaope addicts

Mr Kudakwashe Mazinyani is determined to make his vegetable business a success

Even though he is robbed by the nyaope addicts, he is determine to succeed. He believes in the power of working for himself to better his life, he is clear that being lazy, and being afraid of the sun is not going to pay bills. He says selling from street to street is  more profitable than standing in on comer and he is not discouraged by  the nyaope druggies that rob him.

Mr Kudakwashe Mazinyani, a 24 year old Mozambican man from Chris Hami in Temba, generates income by moving around selling vegetables to make a living for himself. “It is better to move around because by so doing I make more money than someone who is selling at the shop,” said Mr Khudakwashe.

He said the nyaope addicts take advantage of him especially during month end he said they do this because he is from Mozambique and they discriminate against him.

It is painful for him because the grocery stores that supply him with stock then deduct the money he has lost to the nyaope addicts from his earnings.

Despite the muggings, he is determined to continue with his business. “I wake up early every day and hustle because I believe the future still holds many things for me and I hope much more achievements are yet to come”.

He pleaded with the community to help him fight muggers because he is also trying to make a legitimate living through selling vegetables.