The Kofifi event know for its vintage flare was held this past Saturday night 06 August 2017 at the Carousel International Casino, this time around, to honour woman as part of Women’s Month.

The Kofifi Movement celebrates the golden 60s when the emerging black middle class in Johannesburg was moved to Sophiatown as part of the segregation orders. Event organisers, Mr Mokwini Parkies, Cliford Phalatse, Marcus Khalo and Mokopane Kekana said they saw the need to come up with something that would honour black parents who were oppressed by the old regime by taking the minds of the new generation back to those times.
The event is held four times every year in, March, June, August, and October at the Carousel Casino.

The music at the event and the clothing resembles that of the golden oldies played and worn at shebeens by the then township fashionistas. Music and classy clothing dominated the lifestyle back then and the regulars of the Kofifi Movement event impersonates that era.
This month’s event theme was “Kofifi met ousis”, which means kofifi with woman to fit with the Women’s Month.
On the night of the Kofifi event, the first 200 woman got free hairdo products as part of celebrating women.

When the event got underway, old school music was the order of the night and woman in their beautiful vintage regalia danced to old school music demonstrating how it used to be done in the olden days.

The organisers said the show was sold out with 2000 tickets sold and thanked everyone who made the show a success including the sponsors and promised that the October event is going to be even hot.