Hammanskraal Daycare centers celebrate Child Protection Week


The Hammanskraal 42 Day daycare centers celebrated Child Protection Week


The 42 Daycare centers of Hammanskraal joined forces with government stakeholders to celebrate child protection week in Mandela Hall yesterday. The National Child Protection Week is observed in South Africa annually to raise awareness about the rights of children.

For the celebration, the 42 Daycare centers held a 1km walk from Mandela Sport Ground to Mandela Community Hall with placards that demonstrates rights of children.

Ms Onicca Mahlabela, the principal of Mintiro Day care centers said “we have seen a need to come together as day care centers to celebrate this day, because children are mostly vulnerable and are likely to fall victims of sexual harassment, domestic violence and general violence.

“It is our duty to ensure that we protect and teach our children to know their rights and we hope the demonstration through the walk will help send a message to society to love, protect and respect the rights of children,”  she said.

Children march to celebrate Child Protection Week with placards bearing child safety messages

The spokesman person of Temba SAPS, Magaret Molane, who was also at the event said the South African Police Service play a vital role in protecting children.

“We urge parents and teachers to report signs of child abuse to the police so that our special unit dealing with child rights can intervene,” said Ms Molane.

Unice Ngobeni, the presentative of Temba Social Development said her department is responsible for child safety in daycare centers.

“We work with SAPS to investigate cases of abuse and also ensure that daycare centres are registered and comply with safety standards.

“We also screen daycare committee members to check if they do not have previous child criminal records,” said Ms Ngobeni.